Saturday, May 9, 2009

Talent Session

Jenni and I met in college and will usually randomly run into each other at different places all around the twin cities. The unfortunate thing is that we are usually going in different directions! So when Jenni inquired with me about taking head shots for her web site we were both excited to have some catch up time!

Jenni and I talked about the session before hand and she came very prepared...with what I like to call "Talent Sessions" (as we are all talented in some way or another!) usually less is more...clean lines in the clothing, a few fun accent pieces (jewelry, scarves, hats, etc.) and then in the editing process I refine the edginess, glamor or simplicity of the images I capture. I am extremely happy with the diversity of the photographs that I got for Jenni and have posted a few of them below!

Jenni is a relator and a good at that! If your in the market or looking to sell your house look her up!

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